Special Access Program

Health Canada’s Special Access Program

While Ketamine is available by prescription through The Sitting Room’s Medical Director, other psychedelic medicines, including Psilocybin and MDMA, are only available through Health Canada’s Special Access Program.

Who can Apply

Our Medical Director submits requests on behalf of patients with a severe or life-threatening condition, and where conventional treatments:

  • Have failed
  • Are unsuitable or
  • Are not available in Canada

When requesting a drug through the Special Access Program, Dr. Leicht:

  • Ensures that patients are well informed of the possible risks and benefits of the drug being requested and its development status;
  • Provides a report to Health Canada on the results of the use of the drug, including any adverse reactions;
  • Maintains accurate and accessible records if asked to account for quantities of the drug received;
  • Ensures that the decision to prescribe the drug is supported by credible evidence available in the relevant medical literature or provided by the manufacturer.
To learn more, please discuss further with Dr. Leicht during your consultation.
You can also learn more about Health Canada’s Special Access Program by going to Health Canada, Request a Drug.